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Again, re-update of my blog after 2 years.

It's been 2 years since my blog has been updated. The first reason is that I had a lot of work to do on MirageOS 4. The second reason is a simple question: how to deploy several sites with one IP address? The third is to use ONLY OCaml.

Behind these innocent questions and staking out between futile and necessary projects, I took the time to finally finish the deployment of my blog getting closer and closer to what I wanted to do in terms of deployments.

Generate everything via OCaml

This was my first problem with my old blog. The workflow required emacs and produced HTML from Org files. I still like the organization possible with Org files, but depending on a workflow that I don't control was a problem. I tried to find alternatives knowing that there were some researchers who had fun manipulating Org files in OCaml but this reality belongs to a distant memory that was finally irrelevant in view of the evolution of the OCaml ecosystem.

In the end, and only recently, several people set out to make a sort of "haskelian" toolkit from hell in order to offer a blog engine whose production is described in OCaml. The name of these libraries are:

The idea of being able to describe an engine with the help of a free monad to which we can associate a "runtime" that will decide how to produce the blog was very appealing. Especially because the idea fits well with MirageOS where we want to separate the tasks.

My initial idea was to generate the blog with ocaml-git/Irmin in order to push the production into a Git repository and then add unipi as a simple HTTP server to serve what is ultimately a static website.

So, for the same code, I have as much the possibility to test and view my blog locally as to decide to push the result on a Git repository. The only difference is in the runtime chosen:

val my_blog : unit Yocaml.Effect.t

let local_build target =
  Yocaml_unix.execute my_blog

let build_and_push target =
  let module Store = Irmin_unix.Git.FS.KV (Irmin.Contents.String) in
  let module Sync = Irmin.Sync.Make (Store) in
  Store.remote ~ctx remote >>= fun remote ->
  Store.Repo.v config >>= fun repository ->
  Store.of_branch repository branch >>= fun active_branch ->
  Sync.pull active_branch upstream `Set >>= fun _ ->

  Yocaml_irmin.execute (module Yocaml_unix)
    (module Store)
    ~author ~author_email
    my_blog >>= fun () ->

  Sync.push active_branch upstream

The real advantage is that my_blog is used by 2 different runtimes without a functor!

Of course, YOCaml goes further. It offers support for markdown, yaml as well as jingoo (there is also mustache). I confess that this part doesn't interest me too much and we could have some criticisms from the point of view of a release manager (or OCaml purist - where is TyXML?) but the most important is that the blog works and it's especially this ease of extension to YOCaml that is really interesting.

I mostly took what xhtmlboi mainly did and made some (minor) changes to the design and really wanted to go further about yocaml_irmin - so I proposed some patches.

Conduit, tuyau, CoHTTP, http/af and paf...

This story is less famous than the first one. Indeed, it is first of all part of a disagreement concerning the evolution of Conduit. As you may know, I spent too much time on the evolution of Conduit, keeping in mind a certain retro-compatibility that made me lose a lot of patience.

But let's go back to the basic problem: in the context of MirageOS, we need to be able to inject implementations at other "higher" levels. For example, we need to be able to inject a TLS implementation into what an HTTP implementation uses. This is the basic example, but the same applies to a TCP/IP implementation.

This kind of injection is normally done by functor. We have an implementation that waits for another implementation that respects a certain interface. Then, functoria helps us in the application of these functors according to what we want to produce.

The usual MirageOS design

So we are talking about interfaces describing what implementations require. Beyond the problem of using functors too much, MirageOS has a very particular but pragmatic design when it comes to interfaces and implementations. An interface should never describe how to allocate/create the resource type t. A resource like a "socket" or a "block device" or something which represents the POSIX clock is, all the time, abstract. At the HTTP level (and this is already the case), we don't need to know structurally how a socket is defined. We just need actions like read or write to manipulate this abstraction - this is actually a fairly common design in OCaml:

module type SOCKET = sig
  type t

  val read : t -> bytes -> int -> int -> int
  val write : t -> string -> int -> int -> int

However, how do you get a value of type t? Usually, in a MirageOS project, an implementation implements an interface plus a connect function. Then, functoria allows to call this connect function to allocate the resource. The problem is that this connect function is implementation-dependent! Indeed, lwt_ssl and ocaml-tls should offer the same interface, read and write with TLS. However, one handles a socket and an Ssl.context, the other a Mirage_flow.S and a Tls.Config.client. Their connect is fundamentally different (in terms of what they require).

That's why the connect is never described in the interface, an implementation only provides that interface plus a connect intrinsic to what it wishes to implement:

module Lwt_ssl = sig
  include SOCKET

  val connect : Lwt_unix.socket -> Ssl.context -> t

module OCaml_TLS = sig
  include SOCKET

  val connect : Mirage_flow.t -> Tls.Config.client -> t

So how to allocate/initiate a TLS connection with MirageOS. Functoria will simply, according to the arguments, emit a sequence of connect (into the with what they require and pass the allocated values to the Unikernel.start function. These will be taken and there is no way to know structurally how they were allocated. For resources needed by the unikernel from the start, this is not a problem. But in the context where we need one of these resources only on a specific execution path, we would not be able to allocate them (since we don't know how to connect them).

This is the specific problem that Conduit wants to solve: allocate a resource/socket to initiate a client HTTP connection according to a particular condition:

module Make (Flow : Mirage_flow.t) =
  val do_some_stuffs : Flow.t -> unit Lwt.t

  let start stdin = match input_line stdin with
    | "" ->
      Flow.connect "" >>= fun socket -> do_some_stuffs flow
    | "localhost" ->
      Flow.connect "" >>= fun socket -> do_some_stuffs flow

We can see the problem here:

  1. Flow.connect is not really provided by Mirage_flow.S, the code can not compile
  2. Flow.connect expects a string but what happen when we want to pass a specific Tls.Config.client, or an Ipaddr.t or something else?
  3. this code shows what I mean about "initiate a connection according to a particular condition" or a "specific execution path". The connect depends on an user input


That's why I decided to make Mimic. This project is just an improved version of Conduit 3.0.0 with good documentation and an example. It provides the Mirage_flow.S that we expect for any type of connection (TLS, SSH, TCP/IP, etc.) and especially the Mimic.resolve function that corresponds to our connect.

The latter requires a context that you can manipulate directly. This context can contain values of any type. It's a heterogeneous map, quite simply. The key is that a ceremony that Functoria can do is needed to register these protocols (again, TLS, SSH, TCP/IP, etc.). These protocols can be initiated if, in the given context, there are the necessary values to allocate the said resource (Tls.Config.client, Awa.private_key, Ipaddr.t, etc.). If Mimic can resolve the link between these values and what the protocols expect, it tries to initiate these connections:

module Make (...) = struct
  val do_some_stuffs : Mimic.flow -> unit Lwt.t

  let start stdin = match input_line stdin with
    | "" ->
      let ctx = Mimic.add mimic_ipaddr
        (Ipaddr.of_string_exn "") Mimic.empty in
      Mimic.resolve ~ctx >>= fun flow -> do_some_stuffs flow
    | "localhost" ->
      let ctx = Mimic.add mimic_ipaddr
        Ipaddr.localhost Mimic.empty in
      Mimic.resolve ~ctx >>= fun flow -> do_some_stuffs flow

What is wrong with Conduit?

The first problem with Conduit is that it wants to solve the issue of instantiating a connection for client AND server use. The second issue, as Hannes points out, is that we wouldn't want an abstraction for the server side. We would like to be fully aware of what implementation we are using to initiate a server. In this, Conduit is irrelevant.

The second problem is the extension of protocols handled by Conduit. This extension is strict (if we want to extend the possibilities, we have to re-release Conduit) and we had a lot of trouble integrating SSH into ocaml-git.

Finally, the last problem is maintainability. Conduit is an old software and nobody really understands what's going on (not even me). As such, it is bound to die one way or another. Again, this criticism is factual and can be explained by the date of creation of Conduit where the features used by Mimic were not available at that time.

Finally, the non-agreement to move to Conduit 3.0.0 led me to really integrate my solution outside of CoHTTP (the only Conduit user). And finally, I decided to make another CoHTTP from http/af that is compatible with MirageOS and therefore uses Mimic. The performance is good and so are the abstractions. This allowed me to go a little bit further and to handle version 2 of the HTTP protocol as well (and ALPN negotiation). Finally, this work ended up being integrated in unipi (so in this blog) which earned me 2 years of work! But the result is perfect - even the website uses Mimic/Paf as I went further and offered MirageOS support to Dream through these libraries.

Contruno, the TLS termination proxy

Finally, one question remained for me. How do you deploy multiple websites on a single IP address? The basic solution is to use nginx, let it take care of the TLS certificates and forward the connections to my unikernels. But I wanted everything to be unikernels! So I made a unikernel called contruno which is a TLS termination proxy.

It plays the same role. It manages the TLS certificates of several domain names and forwards the connections to a specific destination within my network:

                                     .- [ ]
[ Internet ] -> *:443 [ Contruno ] -|
                            |        `- [ ]
                   [ Git repository ]

The problem with TLS certificates with MirageOS is long-standing. Hannes made the choice to use the primary DNS server to manage the Let's encrypt challenges and to keep the certificates in another unikernel dns-letsencrypt-secondary. This way, a unikernel can request a TLS certificate from the latter and even if it goes down, the dns-letsencrypt-secondary keeps the requested certificates. This avoids reaching the Let's encrypt's request limit quite quickly when debugging.

On my side I preferred to do the challenges with HTTP. Contruno is therefore a simple HTTP server that can do Let's encrypt challenges. Finally, it saves the certificates in a Git repository. If it goes down, it can retrieve the certificates again - they are not lost! Finally, it is an HTTPS server that will simply look at the host and redirect the connection to the correct IP address.

In this way, when you connect to my blog, you go through 2 unikernels! They are still a test period but for now, they work quite well.

Some futile projects


Of course, I was involved in a lot of other projects that allowed me to go further in the deployment. The first of these remains experimental but interesting. As an HTTP server, one must, sometimes, give the MIME type of the static files available. For a long time, this information was available through the extensions of the said files. However, this information can be erroneous. So I made Conan which is a reimplementation of file in OCaml. It will read the contents of the file and try to recognize the MIME type. You can get a detailed explanation here.


Git has evolved a lot too. Indeed, one of Hannes' expectations was to be able to compose the protocols available to initiate a connection with a Git repository. Of course, thanks to Mimic, this was possible and I found the common core of what is the Smart protocol with TCP/IP, SSH, HTTP and HTTPS. This means less maintenance work for me since I only have one implementation of the Smart protocol that works for all these protocols! The first draft was a duplicate of the Smart implementation with some details for SSH and HTTP. The second draft was a duplicate between TCP/IP or SSH and HTTP. The last one proposes a single implementation of Smart independently of TCP/IP, SSH or HTTP (or any protocol!)

The MirageOS ecosystem

Finally, I've been working with Hannes on several releases to clean up our ecosystem and provide a better MirageOS experience! Of course, there is also MirageOS 4 but that will be explained in another article.

How to deploy?!

Deploying unikernels requires a bare-metal server with KVM and a bridge on (a private network). We will use a Debian 10:

$ cat /etc/network/interface
auto br0
iface br0 inet static
  bridge_ports none
  bridge_stp off
  bridge_fd 0
  bridge_maxwait 0
$ ls /dev/kvm
crw-rw---- 1 root kvm 10, 232 Apr 11 20:03 /dev/kvm


To help us to deploy our unikernels, we will use albatross which provides a simple daemon which create TAP interfaces and launch unikernels with Solo5:

$ git clone
$ cd albatross
$ opam pin add -y .
$ dune subst
$ dune build
$ ./packaging/debian/
$ sudo dpkg -i albatross.deb
$ sudo systemctl enable albatross_daemon.service

Git repository

We need to create 2 private Git repositories:

  1. A git repository which contains our website
  2. A git repository which contains TLS certificates from Let's encrypt
$ su git
$ cd
$ mkdir
$ cd
$ git init --bare
$ git read-tree --empty
$ FIRST_COMMIT=`git commit-tree $(git write-tree) -m .`
$ git update-ref "refs/heads/master" $FIRST_COMMIT
$ cd ..
$ mkdir certificates.git
$ git init --bare
$ git read-tree --empty
$ FIRST_COMMIT=`git commit-tree $(git write-tree) -m .`
$ git update-ref "refs/heads/master" $FIRST_COMMIT
$ cd ..
$ exit

So we create 2 Git repositories with one commit. Now, we need to generate an SSH key which can be used by unikernels:

$ opam install awa
$ awa_gen_key > awa.gen.key
$ tail -n1 awa.gen.key | ssh git@localhost 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
$ head -n1 awa.gen.key
seed is svIdyO8boxNQP03NrUgfwDxk4iPaURukAyKl1cx8

You must keep the seed of the RSA key. We will use it for unikernels then.


Finally, we can re-generate this blog with and push the result into our private Git repository:

$ git clone
$ cd blogger
$ opam pin add -y .
$ dune exec src/blogger.exe -- push \
  --author "Romain Calascibetta" \
  --email "" \
  --branch "gh-pages" \

Feel free to update/change blogger to be able to generate something closer to what you want. The structure is pretty good to play and run:

Contruno and Let's encrypt

Let's prepare and deploy our first unikernel (with MirageOS 4). Contruno provides a simple tool to populate the Git repository and the unikernel. We will populate our certificates.git with a first Let's encrypt certificate asked by hands - contruno will handle next challenge to renew certificates - and push it into our Git repository via our contruno.add tool.

$ git clone
$ cd contruno
$ opam pin add -y .
$ sudo certbot certonly --standalone \
  --server \
  --register-unsafely-without-email \
  -d <DOMAIN>
$ sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/<DOMAIN>/* .
$ contruno.add --cert cert.pem -h <DOMAIN> -i <IP1> -p privkey.pem \
  --pass <PASSWORD> -r git@localhost:certificates.git \
  -t <IP0>

NOTE: certbot currently asks a non-production certificate. If you want a real TLS certificate, you should delete the --server argument.

And let's compile and deploy contruno:

$ cp -r contruno/unikernel contruno-unikernel/
$ cd contruno-unikernel/
$ mirage configure -t hvt
$ make depends
$ mirage build
$ albatross-client-local create --mem=512 --net=service:br0 contruno \
  dist/contruno.hvt \
  --arg="-r git@" \
  --arg="--production true" \
  --arg="--ssh-key=rsa:svIdyO8boxNQP03NrUgfwDxk4iPaURukAyKl1cx8" \
  --arg="--pass=<PASSWORD>" \
  --arg="--ipv4=" \


And the last one, we will deploy our unipi unikernel:

$ git clone
$ cd unipi
$ mirage configure -t hvt
$ make depends
$ mirage build
$ albatross-client-local create --mem=512 --net=service:br0 <DOMAIN> \
  dist/unipi.hvt \
  --arg="--remote" \
  --arg="--ssh-key=rsa:svIdyO8boxNQP03NrUgfwDxk4iPaURukAyKl1cx8" \
  --arg="--hostname <DOMAIN>" \
  --arg="--tls=false" \
  --arg="--ipv4=" \


The last configuration is about the iptables. This is the hard one to let unikernels to communicate with Internet - specially contruno, unipi can stay into our private network. We will follow what docker does when you want to bridge our containers with Internet:

$ sudo iptables -A FORWARD -o br0 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED \
$ sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i br0 ! -o br0 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i br0 -o br0 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -o br0 -j MASQUERADE

$ sudo iptables -N CONTRUNO
$ sudo iptables -A CONTRUNO -d ! -i br0 -o br0 \
  -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -A CONTRUNO -d ! -i br0 -o br0 \
  -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -A FORWARD -o br0 -j CONTRUNO
$ sudo iptables -t nat -N CONTRUNO
$ sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j CONTRUNO
$ sudo iptables -t nat -A CONTRUNO ! -s ! -i docker0 \
  -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination
$ sudo iptables -t nat -A CONTRUNO ! -s ! -i docker0 \
  -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination


I hope this article gives a little more clarity about my blog, MirageOS and OCaml and all the efforts everyone has made to come up with solutions that use OCaml to generate a static blog. There are other solutions like sesame or stone. None of them would be ultimate and only the diversity of solutions is king - which is not bad. I hope I can keep this blog going for a long time and that it will help newcomers to OCaml and MirageOS to understand the ecosystem a bit more.