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Miou, a simple scheduler for OCaml 5

As mentioned in my thread, we've recently been working on implementing a scheduler in Robur.

This short article will attempt to present one essential aspect (there are several) of Miou: how it schedules tasks and why it schedules tasks in this way. These questions assume that there can't only be one and only one scheduler: a scheduler is defined by a "task management policy" which necessarily corresponds to a particular use. We're going to spell all this out, so that future Miou users are fully aware of the implications of using Miou.

Cooperative or preemptive

The implementation of a scheduler meets specific objectives which can be seen in its design and behaviour. For our part, we would like a scheduler that can correspond to a fundamentally preemptive world: in other words, a world where events trigger tasks.

This approach should be contrasted with (but not opposed to) optimising the order in which tasks are carried out in order to obtain the result as quickly as possible: this is not our objective.

All OCaml schedulers, however, had to deal with one problem. The problem is that we're not able to preempt a task/function in OCaml.1

1: Technically, only Garbage Collector is preemptive of tasks, but we'll look at what this means in more detail.


Preempt is a term found in the implementation of schedulers. It is the opposite of "cooperate". Preempt means that a scheduler is able to stop a task (for a multitude of reasons). Cooperating leaves the possibility of suspension to the tasks themselves: they decide when they can stop.

Stopping a task does not mean that it has finished; stopping is suspending. Suspension consists of stopping a task at a point. This suspension produces a state that allows the task to be resumed at the point where it stopped. Suspension can be caused by the scheduler (it is preemptive), or by the task itself (they cooperate).

Now, as far as OCaml (and OCaml 5) is concerned, if we consider a task to be a function, we cannot stop a function. A function can stop itself (thanks to effects - technically we'll see that) but nobody except the GC can stop a function. Even the GC can only stop a function at certain points (when allocating). But it's clear that you can't create a preemptive system on functions in OCaml.

The suspension

Even before we talk techniques, we already have problems... But if we insist on the terms, it's to find out what our implementation is based on (as well as the choices we've made). If we absolutely want to be preemptive on functions, then a preemptive scheduler should be able to:

  1. launch a task
  2. suspend a task: stop it at a point and produce a state
  3. manipulate this state (keep it somewhere)
  4. restart/continue the task from that state

In OCaml, we're able to do all that, but there's a subtlety:

type 'a t =
  | Launch : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t
  | Finished of 'a
  | Suspended : ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation * 'a Effect.t -> 'b t

let handler =
  let open Effect.Shallow in
  let retc v = Finished v in
  let exnc = raise in
  let effc
    : type c. c Effect.t -> ((c, 'a) Effect.Shallow.continuation -> 'b) option
    = fun effect -> Some (fun k -> Suspended (k, effect)) in
  { Effect.Shallow.retc; exnc; effc }

let continue = function
  | Launch fn ->
    Effect.Shallow.(continue_with (fiber fn) () handler)
  | Finished v -> Finished v
  | Suspended (k, effect) ->
    let v = perform effect in
    Effect.Shallow.(continue_with k v handler)

This code shows that a simple function fn can be transformed to a task which can be launched latter. This task can be manipulated (stored, ordered, etc.) and can be restarted/continued if it is suspended.

The subtlety is in the suspension. We can obtain a suspension, but only if the task produces an effect: it's not us who decides whether to suspend, it's the task itself that decides when it can suspend.

Now, why does suspension matter so much? We could be satisfied with this little code and then implement a scheduler from it (according to our 4 rules), regardless of whether it's the task that decides to suspend or the scheduler that decides. Well, it's from here that we need to make our choices explicit.

System events

Let's draw a parallel with my life. I have a phone and people call me. The problem is that I don't answer the phone. I do what I have to do and then (and only then) I deal with the calls. Not that this approach is bad, but it makes me unavailable: it makes me unavailable to my father to help him close up his house the same day, and unavailable to the deliveryman who wants to drop off the package. Or unavailable to listen to an after-sales service to subscribe to a new offer...

The important thing to remember here is that I prioritise my tasks in relation to external events, and in doing so I make myself unavailable to others.

A computer is the same thing! A computer does things (calculations) but it also responds to external events (receiving a connection, reading a TCP/IP packet, etc.). So the way a computer manages its tasks is very important when it comes to the type of applications you want to run. Which leads us to say one essential thing about our task management (for a computer as for a human): there are no optimal solutions!

But let's go back to what we wanted: events trigger tasks.

In contrast to my lifestyle, I'd like my computer to be available to respond to any events (although its job is to do things for me). This is characteristic of a certain task management policy: it's called a round-robin scheduler.

A round-robin scheduler

The principle of a round-robin scheduler is very communist^Wsimple. It consists of having a list of tasks and executing these tasks one after the other. However, a task cannot monopolise the CPU. It can happen that a task never finishes, in which case all the other tasks are blocked (including some that could unblock the first task).

The idea is to limit the execution of a task. This limit is called the quanta. In general, we choose the time: a task can only be executed for 100ms, then we move on to the next task.

This is where our problem of preemption comes in. We would like to suspend a task according to a limit (and not have it decide to suspend itself). It's now that we're going to introduce the most essential thing about Miou (and which should be explicit to any round-robin scheduler): our quanta is the emission of an effect. So let's implement the basics of a scheduler, i.e. scheduling and waiting for a task.

type task = Task : 'a t -> task
type 'a promise = 'a option ref
type _ Effect.t += Spawn : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a promise Effect.t
type _ Effect.t += Await : 'a promise -> 'a Effect.t

let perform
  : type c. task list ref -> c Effect.t -> [ `Continue of c | `Suspend ]
  = fun todo -> function
  | Spawn fn ->
    let value = ref None in
    let task = Launch (fun () -> value := Some (fn ())) in
    todo := !todo @ [ Task task ] ;
    `Continue value
  | Await value ->
    begin match !value with
    | Some value -> `Continue value
    | None -> `Suspend end
  | _ -> invalid_arg "Invalid effect"

let continue todo = function
  | Launch fn ->
    Effect.Shallow.(continue_with (fiber fn) () handler)
  | Finished v -> Finished v
  | Suspended (k, effect) ->
    match perform todo effect with
    | `Continue v -> Effect.Shallow.(continue_with k v handler)
    | `Suspend -> Suspended (k, effect)

let run fn v =
  let result = ref None in
  let rec go = function
    | [] -> Option.get !result
    | Task task :: rest ->
      let todo = ref rest in
      match continue todo task with
      | Finished _ -> go !todo
      | (Launch _ | Suspended _) as task -> go (!todo @ [ Task task ]) in
  let task = Launch (fun () -> result := Some (fn v)) in
  go [ Task task ]

Here, we return to our previous code where we specify the perform function which consumes our effects. The continue function changes slightly so that it can modify the TODO list in the case of Spawn. According to perform, the continue function looks at whether to keep the suspension or continue the function with the given value. Here's a code example:

let spawn fn = Effect.perform (Spawn fn)
let await prm = Effect.perform (Await prm)

let fiber () =
  let prm = spawn @@ fun () -> print_endline "Hello" in
  print_endline "World";
  await prm

let () = run fiber ()
(* It prints:

Here, there are 2 things to recognise about a round robin scheduler:

  1. only consume a single effect (as our quanta) produced by a task
  2. add the task to the end of our TODO list


The main advantage of a round-robin scheduler is that it shares the quantas fairly. This is one of the reasons why we chose time as a quanta, as we want to share CPU time fairly above all else. Here, the choice is to share the production of effects fairly between all the tasks (since this is really the only way we can do it).

We then have to apply ourselves to respecting this rule and considering the reception of external events following the production of a quanta. This is where we open a window of availability for our application in order to receive events from the system.

This question is central to the objective of considering that events trigger tasks. It was all the more of a question (and a difference) for lwt and async: when do we suspend tasks? More to the point, when do we suspend tasks so that our application is available to receive system events?

This is the crux of the matter, as this availability has an impact, especially on the performance of a so-called pure application (which interacts very little, if at all, with the system). It's also at this point that things need to be as explicit as possible for the user. Developing a library with a scheduler means knowing this kind of detail so that it can work well with applications requiring a high level of availability (typically an HTTP server).

Miou does not (and cannot, in view of what we have said above) offer better or worse availability than other schedulers. Miou can also be slower when executing pure applications2, given the task management policy of a round-robin scheduler. However, Miou explicitly states one essential thing: effects suspend tasks because we want system events to trigger tasks. And its development will only be guided by this mantra.

2: Once again, pure applications are those that interact very little with the system. They do not require a high level of availability, but above all a "smart" scheduler that prioritises tasks in order to find an optimum execution order. In this case, something like moonpool might be more interesting.

An API issue

This 'little' introduction to Miou allows us to clarify a point that seems spontaneous in our explanation. The idea of "quanta", of considering the latter as the production of an effect, of what is possible with OCaml 5 and suspension, while considering a certain preemptibility for our scheduler (by considering that the user knows, de facto, that the production of an effect allows the application to receive events from the system), all this helps to explain why we use Effect.Shallow instead of Effect.Deep.

That's right! We have two interfaces for managing effects in OCaml. Why one would be better than the other, I don't know. What is certain is that if we once again consider our mantra "effects suspend tasks and events trigger tasks", we should spontaneously use Effect.Shallow.

The latter allows you to manage just one effect. It attaches a handler to a function which, depending on what the function does (a simple calculation, producing an effect, or terminating), produces a state, our 'a t. The idea is to remain constrained by what OCaml has to offer in order to systematically respect our mantra: one effect is needed to suspend a task.

Note that we could get away with using Effect.Deep. The latter is not incompatible. However, the aim of Effect.Deep is clear: to manage the production of several effects. This is, of course, at odds with our rule.

The State module

In Miou's documentation, we sometimes refer to the State module. This defines the most basic task logic.

In our experience, an API isn't just a collection of types and functions; an API enforces a certain use. From all our iterations on Effect.Deep and Effect.Shallow, we weren't that happy with what they offered. Sometimes, the API was too permissive or could only match our usage after a whole ceremony. Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing the API authors here, I'm just saying that these APIs shouldn't be used as they are!

So, the State module is an abstraction of the Effect.Shallow module, which is better suited to our purposes. And as an API enforces a usage, the aim of the State module is to force us to respect the rules of a round-robin scheduler.


This article clarifies how our scheduler works. I hope it provides you with an accessible mental model for thinking about designing an application with Miou. It also clarifies Miou's "internals", which are the bricks that sediment the scheduler's behavior.

Particular attention is paid to the State module, as it's here that the rules of the game are set. Miou then adds elements such as domains and resource management (with the idea of ownership), which we'll see in other articles. It's worth noting that this article allows you to make a mini-scheduler.

Hopefully, it will also demystify a key component of an application. Xavier Leroy once said that the GC "is like a god from ancient mythology: mighty, but very irritable". The same can be said of a scheduler if we don't take the time to explain its task management policy. Let's make sure it doesn't!

A final note on preemption and cooperation

If you have followed correctly, Miou is not a preemptive scheduler but the use of effects (defined by Miou or another library) are points (which we will call synchronisation points) where the application is able to receive system events. We could spend hours on this question, as it was the initial schism between lwt and async. Some will say that all these points make us "waste time" which, in fact, is a recognised problem with a round-robin scheduler.

However, our experience in implementing protocols and services in Robur tells us that it's better to have a lot of synchronisation points (even if it means being slower) than none at all. Again, this depends on the type of application.

You could also reconsider the idea of using effects as synchronisation points (as the >>= could have been this kind of point for lwt for example - which is not the case). This is where usage is important. For example, I've put Lwt.pause in certain places several times just to increase the availability of my applications. Some people will be satisfied with this, considering that we're explicitly trying to create this synchronisation point. However, others, like me, will be a little annoyed at having to make these points explicit.

Once again, Miou is no better or worse. It's just a question of explaining these details as we do here.