MirageOS compilation
MirageOS is not only one software but many libraries and tools which want to provide a good user-experience about developing a full operating system. By this way, they want to solve many problems with patterns and designs used by the core team. However, as I said in my previous article, documentation or materials don't really exist about these details.
So let's start with one about the compilation of an unikernel.
Abstraction, interface and functor
The biggest goal of MirageOS is to provide a set of interfaces. Go back to
the OCaml world, we separate two things, the implementation (.ml
) and the
interface (.mli
). An implementation can declare lot of things where an
interface wants to restrict access to some underlying
The interface can abstract definition of type where, inside (into the
implementation), the underlying structure is well-known and outside, the
ability to construct the value must be done by described functions into the
A simple module with its interface
type t = string
let v x = String.lowercase_ascii x
let compare = String.compare
type t
val v : string -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
In your example, our type t
is a string
. However. to make a t
, we must
use v
which applies String.lowercase_ascii
. Then, we provide the compare
function to be able to make a Set
or a Map
of t
. On that, we can express
a simple idea:
a field-name is a
where the comparison of them is case-insensitive, such asReceived
are equivalent.
Then, for any who wants to use this module, he/she must use v
to create a
field-name and be able to use it with compare
. Generally, we provide a pp
(Pretty-Printer) to debug, and the couple to_string
But the point is to able, by the interface, to restrict the user about what he/she can do and define about what he/she can rely when he/she uses such value.
Trust only on the given interface
MirageOS did the choice to trust only on the interface. For us, a device, a
protocol or a server can be well defined by an interface. This is the purpose
of mirage-types
which provides such things.
The key now is: because for each artifact we have, we use them with their interfaces, how to compose them into on a specific computation?
This is the purpose of MirageOS: a tool to compose implementations (.ml
according expected interfaces (.mli
) and produce then a operating system (the
specific computation).
A MirageOS project
Indeed, the global idea of an unikernel is: develop the main computation of your operating system and be able to abstract it over protocols, devices and, at the end, targets.
Let's start to talk about the TCP/IP stack. Usually, on UNIX, we create a
and we use it to receive and send data. Then, the role of your
operating system is to handle it with your ethernet/wlan card.
We can abstract the idea of the socket
by this interface:
type t
type error
val recv : t -> bytes -> ([ `Eoi | `Data of int ], error) result
val send : t -> string -> (int, error) result
Then, we can trust over this interface to represent the way to send and receive data over TCP/IP. Of course, at this stage, we don't know details about implementation - and this is what we want.
module Make (Flow : FLOW) = struct
let start flow =
Flow.send flow "Hello World!"
The abstraction is done. Now, we have our main computation which can be use
with something implements our socket
And it comes with another tool, Functoria
to orchestrate, depending on the
target, which implementation will be use to apply the final functor. For
UNIX, we will apply the functor with mirage-tcpip.stack-socket
and for
Solo5/Xen, we apply with mirage-tcpip.stack-direct
functor everywhere
Functorize the code seems to be a good idea where:
- the cost at the runtime is minimal
- abstraction is powerful (we can define new types, constraints, etc.)
An example
We can show what is really going on about MirageOS about a little example on
the abstraction of the Console
to be able to write something. Imagine this
module type CONSOLE = sig
type t
val endline : t -> string -> unit
module Make (Console : CONSOLE) = struct
let start console =
Console.endline console "Hello World!"
This unikernel expects an implementation of the Console. The idea behind
the Console is to be able to write something on it. In MirageOS, the
interface should provide something to represent the console (the type t
) and
what you can do with it (the function val endline
Then, usually, Functoria
will generate a main.ml
according the chosen
target and apply our functor with the right implementation. But let's talk
about implementations.
We probably should have 2 implementations:
- an UNIX implementation which will use the syscall
- a standalone implementation which should work on any targets (like Solo5) - and it should depend only on the caml runtime
type t = Unix.file_descr
let endline fd str =
let _ = Unix.write_substring fd str 0 (String.length str) in
let _ = Unix.write_substring fd "\n" 0 1 in
type t = out_channel
let endline oc str =
output_string oc str ;
output_string oc "\n"
As I said, then, Functoria
will take the place and will generate a main.ml
which will:
- apply
- call the
function with the representation of the Console
Concretely, this file appears when you do mirage configure
where you can
specify the target. So, imagine we want to use the UNIX target (the default
one), Functoria
will generate:
include Unikernel.Make(Console_unix)
let () = start Unix.stdout
The compilation can be separated into 2 steps where we compile object files first and we do the link according the target:
$ ocamlopt -c unikernel.ml
$ ocamlopt -c console_unix.ml
$ ocamlopt -c main.ml
$ ocamlopt -o main -c unix.cmxa \
console_unix.cmx unikernel.cmx main.cmx
We can see that the most specific command according the target is the link step
where unix.cmxa
appears. Of course, for another target like Solo5, we will
use console_caml.ml
. The link step will be a bit complex where we will
produce a main.o
(with -output-obj
option). Then, the mirage
tool will
properly call ld
with a specific link script according the target.
Of course, all of this process is done by the mirage
tool but it's
interesting to understand what is going on when we do the usual:
mirage configure
mirage build
Implementation according the target
For some others targets - much more specials targets - implementation can
directly use the syscall available on the target (like solo5_console_write
with external
external solo5_console_write : string -> unit = "solo5_console_write"
type t = unit
let endline () str =
solo5_console_write str ;
solo5_console_write "\n"
As you can see, we still continue to follow the interface CONSOLE
even if the
representation of t
is unit
(so, nothing).
The power of the abstraction
The goal of all of that is to be able to switch easily from an implementation
to another one - like, switch from socket
given by the Unix module to our own
implementation of the TCP/IP stack.
Finally, the end user can completely discard details about underlying implementations used for his purpose and he/she can focus only on what he/she wants - of course, he/she must trust on what he/she uses. But if he/she does correctly the job, then others users can go further by composition and hijack underlying implementations by something else without any update of the main computation.
An example of that is to make a website and plug without any headache a TLS support. It should only be a composition between the TCP/IP flow with TLS to emit the same abstraction as before:
val with_tls
: (module Flow with type t = 'flow)
-> (module Flow with type t = 'flow * Tls.t)
Globally, each piece of your unikernel can be replaced by something else (more fast, more secure, etc.). MirageOS is not a monolithic software at end, it's a real framework to build your operating system.