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optint, 32-bits, 64-bits architecture and optimization

When I tried to implement zlib in OCaml, I ran into a thorny issue regarding the checksum of the document requiring a 32-bit integer. Indeed, we need to explain OCaml a bit to understand where the problem lies. This article is a good opportunity to explain optint, a small library that wants to solve an optimization problem between 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.

An OCaml integer

OCaml provides an immediate integer int which has the particularity of not being boxed (hence the immediate). Indeed, OCaml has a unified representation of values. Some kind of values are represented through a pointer but it's not the case of int and bool which directly use a simple word (a 32-bits word or a 64-bits word depending on the architecture).

However, to differentiate a pointer from an immediate value (such as an int), a tag bit is used. That mostly means that an int in OCaml is encoded into 31-bits or 63-bits and we must let the least significant bit for the runtime to be able to differentiate this immediate value from a pointer.

From this simple description, in the problem stated in the introduction, how do we handle a 32-bit checksum for all platforms? We could use an int32' which, unlike an int', is boxed. The advantage is that the code manipulating this checksum is portable regardless of the architecture. The disadvantage of course is the indirection inherent in this boxed value.

We could use the immediate type int but in that case, our code would not work for a 32-bit architecture since our checksum could only be encoded on 31-bits (and a checksum really needs 32-bits).

A conditional compilation

Perhaps the solution would be to propose a module with a type t whose true representation depends on the target architecture and which proposes, at least, 32-bits in any case.

In this case, for a 64-bit architecture, we would use an immediate type and for a 32-bit architecture, we would use the boxed type int32.

This is what optint tries to provide.

NOTE: @CraigFe went further and proposed the int63 type. The logic remains more or less the same, for a 32-bit architecture one would use the boxed type int64 and for 64-bit architectures one would use the immediate type int (containing 63-bits).

The first draft of the conditional compilation was made via a script which informs jbuild (yeah, jbuild...) to select the right implementation for a given interface.

let invalid_arg fmt = Format.ksprintf (fun s -> invalid_arg s) fmt

let () =
  let is_x64, output =
    try match Sys.argv with
        | [| _; "--x64"; is_x64; "-o"; output; |] ->
           let is_x64 = match is_x64 with
             | "true" | "!true" -> true
             | "false" | "!false" -> false
             | v -> invalid_arg "Invalid argument of x64 option: %s" v in
           is_x64, output
        | _ -> invalid_arg "%s --x64 (true|false) -o <output>" Sys.argv.(0)
    with _ -> invalid_arg "%s --x64 (true|false) -o <output>" Sys.argv.(0) in
  let oc = open_out output in
  let backend =
    if is_x64 then "Int_x64_backend" else "Int_x86_backend" in
  Printf.fprintf oc "include %s\n%!" backend;
  close_out oc
(jbuild_version 1)

 ((targets (
  (deps    (select/
  (action  (run ${OCAML} ${<}
             --x64 ${ARCH_SIXTYFOUR} -o ${@}))))

 ((name        optint)
  (public_name optint)))

In this example, we keep the same interface regardless implementations. By this (bad) design, we must abstract Optint.t. Of course, we can generate an optint.mli depending on the architecture - but we did not take this choice at this time. This version of optint (with the Optint.t abstracted) shows us another point, another disadvantage: the cross-module optimisation with OCaml.

Because the type is abstract, a library using optint cannot really know structurally whether the type is immediate or not. It is therefore unable to optimise its use and will box the value à priori.

It was not obvious at the outset that the problem with the use of optint only concerned checkseum. The aim was to produce a C function digest_crc32 according to the architecture. One taking a boxed value and the other taking an immediate value. We then had, all the same, a cheaper FFI depending on the architecture.

Optimization & propagation

Now the question is: how do we propagate the information that Optint.t is immediate in the case of a 64-bit architecture and thus let the compiler properly optimize our use of Optint.t?

Something interesting was in OCaml about this: Add support for [@@immediate64]

The trick is in this code where you can see the use of an Obj.magic:

module type Immediate = sig
  type t [@@immediate]

module type Non_immediate = sig
  type t

type t [@@immediate64]

type 'a repr =
  | Immediate : Immediate.t repr
  | Non_immediate : Non_immediate.t repr

external magic : _ repr -> t repr = "%identity"

let repr =
  if word_size = 64 then
    magic Immediate
    magic Non_immediate

Such trick is possible because, on the runtime, Immediate and Non_immediate have the same representation (but not the same value), an immediate value! Even if we use an Obj.magic, it's a "safe" usage according to what we know about how OCaml can represent these values.

But the most important part is the GADT. Indeed, type 'a repr comes with a type information that can inform us (from the point of view of the type system) if the type is immediate or not!

Most importantly, it means that we can introspect Optint.t and thus propagate the information to produce better performing code!

module Conditional = struct
  type ('t, 'u, 'v) t =
    | True : ('t, 't, _) t
    | False : ('t, _, 't) t

let is_immediate : (Optint.t, int, int32) Conditional.t = match repr with
  | Immediate -> Conditional.True
  | Non_immediate -> Conditional.False

This code is completely safe! Even though we know that 'a repr comes from an Obj.magic, this code is correct for all architectures and therefore allows us to structurally introspect what Optint.t is. We can start propagating this information.

checkseum and propagation

Back to the original problem, the aim is to have an FFI with a C code that is as inexpensive as possible. Even if we use an abstract type, OCaml passes the value back as it should be represented.

external digest_crc32
  : Optint.t -> string -> int -> int -> Optint.t
  = "checkseum_digest_crc32"

So, for the C side, we have to do, again, a conditioned compilation that expects either an immediate value or a boxed value.

CAMLprim value
checkseum_digest_crc32(value t, value src, value off, value len)
  intnat res = digest_crc32(Int_val (t), String_val (src) + Long_val (off),
                            Long_val (len)) ;
  return (Val_int (res)) ;
checkseum_digest_crc32(value t, value src, value off, value len)
  uint32_t res = digest_crc32(Int32_val (t), String_val (src) + Long_val (off),
                            Long_val (len)) ;
  return (caml_copy_int32 (res)) ;

Again, one can see another disadvantage, since we were not able to introspect Optint.t, we could not tag our externals with [@noalloc] - and for sure, for a 32-bit architecture, there is an allocation (with caml_copy_int32).

However, we now have propagation available using our Conditional.t. The trick is to offer 2 implementations in OCaml (one for 64-bits and one for 32-bits) and to create a module that will result from introspection of 'a Optint.repr'. On the C side, we can keep the multiple implementations (tagged, boxed, untagged and unboxed):

CAMLprim value
checkseum_digest_crc32_tagged(value t, value src, value off, value len)
  intnat res = digest_crc32(Int_val (t), String_val (src) + Long_val (off),
                            Long_val (len));
  return (Val_int (res));

checkseum_digest_crc32_untagged(intnat t, value src, intnat off, intnat len)
  intnat res = digest_crc32(t, String_val (src) + off, len);
  return res;

CAMLprim value
checkseum_digest_crc32_boxed(value t, value src, value off, value len)
  uint32_t res = digest_crc32(Int32_val (t), String_val (src) + Long_val (off),
                             Long_val (len));
  return (caml_copy_int32 (res));

checkseum_digest_crc32_unboxed(uint32_t t, value src, intnat off, intnat len)
  uint32_t res = digest_crc32(t, String_val (src) + off, len);
  return res;
module Optint : sig
  type t [@@immediate64]

  val is_immediate : (t, int, int32) Conditional.t

module CRC32_64 = struct
  type t = int

  external digest
    : (t[@untagged]) -> string ->
      (int[@untagged]) -> (int[@untagged]) -> (t[@untagged)
    = "checkseum_digest_crc32_tagged" "checkseum_digest_crc32_untagged"

module CRC32_32 = struct
  type t = int32

  external digest
    : (t[@unboxed]) -> string ->
      (int[@untagged]) -> (int[@untagged]) -> (t[@unboxed])
    = "checkseum_digest_crc32_boxed" "checkseum_digest_crc32_unboxed"

module CRC32 = struct
  let impl : (module type S with type t = Optint.t) =
    match Optint.is_immediate with
    | True -> (module CRC32_64 : S with type t = Optint.t)
    | False -> (module CRC32_32 : S with type t = Optint.t)

  include (val impl : S with type t = Optint.t)

Finally, all the information that can help the compiler generate the cheapest FFI with C is there:

So we have a library that can take part of the possible optimizations in 64-bits (and use immediate values instead of boxed ones) while keeping the support consistent with 32-bits architecture!

Note that the choice of implementation in OCaml is no longer made using a meta tool such as dune but directly in OCaml using a GADT to ensure and reassure the type system!

Special thanks

I would especially like to thank @CraigFe for taking the time to revive this old library by adding the support of int63 via this trick.