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Pasteur is up!

After much experimentation with OCaml, js_of_ocaml and MirageOS, Pasteur is finally updated to contain only OCaml code. Indeed, I keep in mind the goal to do everything in OCaml!

Pasteur is a good unikernel to experiment with what is possible with OCaml. The first difficulty with Pasteur was the multipart form. I was lucky to spend 5 years reading RFCs to finally implement multipart_form. The second difficulty was JavaScript. Like zerobin, I wanted to have the ability to paste and encrypt content on the client side. I ended up experimenting quite a bit with brr. Then, I had the opportunity to integrate another project that fulfilled a specific use case: having a read-only file system to hold the CSS and JavaScript files that the HTTP server would transmit. It was also a question of parting with Conduit once and for all. Finally, with MirageOS 4, the goal was:

Prendre des p'tits bouts d'trucs et puis les assembler ensemble

In this article we will explain all these points one by one and give an overview of the ecosystem and what is finally possible with MirageOS.

multipart_form, RFCs and ecosystem

From my experience with email, I was able to read RFC 2045 (and its sequel) which explains the multipart/form format. The latter is used by HTTP 1.1 (and it seems to me H2) to transmit information from an HTML form. There are several ways of transmitting this information, by a GET request and a URL which encodes the information (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) or by a POST request which encodes in its content, in multipart/form format, this information.

The latter is preferred in particular for its ability to upload files. As far as emails are concerned, it is through this method that one can transmit an attachment for example.

There are mainly 2 difficulties with the multipart/form format:

  1. format recursion, a multipart/form can contain a multipart/form
  2. transmission of content without exploding the memory


I blogged a whole day to really understand after 6 months of reading RFCs, we could put an email in an email. But more globally, the multipart format is not a linear description of several contents but a tree of contents!

The real problem with this encoding is that recursion is not discovered through a formal definition of this format but through a description...

multipart-body := [preamble CRLF]
                  dash-boundary transport-padding CRLF
                  body-part *encapsulation
                  close-delimiter transport-padding
                  [CRLF epilogue]

body-part := MIME-part-headers [CRLF *OCTET]

encapsulation := delimiter transport-padding
                 CRLF body-part

Looking at this description, we can say that multipart/form is only a succession (see encapsulation) of body-part. We can reduce this format to a list of OCTETs associated with metadata (MIME-part-headers).

But that's without counting the next paragraph:

The use of a media type of "multipart" in a body part within another "multipart" entity is explicitly allowed. In such cases, for obvious reasons, care must be taken to ensure that each nested "multipart" entity uses a different boundary delimiter.

From this description, OCTET can contain a multipart/form so...

Memory consumption and streams

The other essential point of multipart_form is its ability, not to output the contents of the form as they are, but a stream of these contents. Indeed, in the case of uploading a file, we would not want to store all the content in memory and then process it but rather let the user decide how to consume the upload of the said file.

In this way, the multipart/form must be parsed and the content transmitted at the same time - so that the user can consume/save it somewhere at the same time:

val both : unit fiber * unit fiber -> unit fiber
val save_into_random_file : string stream -> unit fiber

let post http_body =
  let `Parse fiber, stream_of_contents = Multipart_form.parse http_body in
  let save () = Stream.get stream_of_contents >>= function
    | None -> return ()
    | Some stream -> save_into_file stream >>= save in
  both fiber (save ())

In this example, the decoding of the multipart document is done in conjunction with saving the contents in random files. If the code runs, it can limit memory consumption to a ceiling regardless of the size of the files sent.


The image is not of good quality and the information is not clear, but one can note in ordinate the memory consumption and in abcissa, the time. We can see that we have spikes that reach a ceiling. This is the case where we save part of the file in memory and as soon as we reach the ceiling, we execute the save function which consumes the file.

The multipart_project project

I would really like to thank Armaƫl who helped me work on the API and make sure of these memory consumption aspects. Anyway, the project ended up being integrated into Dream. It is available here: multipart_form

Js_of_ocaml, brr and security

One of Pasteurr's goals was to follow zerobin in his design. The goal is that the server should not store the paste in clear text and that the only person in possession of the encryption key is the author of the paste.

The trick is to encrypt the content directly in the webbrowser and to transmit only the encrypted content to the server (with POST and multipart_form). Then, in JavaScript, we can ask (still on the client side) to redirect the client to the result of its paste with its key.

This way, the key is never transmitted to the server (or more precisely, to the network). This ensures that the content is unbreakable if someone had control of the server! To do this, we need to make a JavaScript script to encrypt and send the POST request. Of course, writing JavaScript is out of the question.

Fortunately, we have the ability in our OCaml ecosystem to produce JavaScript code from OCaml code! Especially since we have a library that gives us access to cryptographic functions available from the webbrowser!


So I used brr, fixed a little bug and produced a little script that does all this. I'd like to give special mention to dbuenzli who always makes very succinct and user-friendly APIs - which I haven't yet, but maybe one day.

open Brr

val iv : Tarray.Buffer.t
(* A random [int array] to initialize ciphers *)

let sym_key_gen =
  let name = Crypto_algo.aes_cbc and length = 128 in
  Crypto_algo.Aes_key_gen_params.v ~name ~length ()

let sym_exportable_key s =
  let usages = Crypto_key.Usage.[ encrypt; decrypt; ] in
  Subtle_crypto.generate_key s sym_key_gen ~extractable:true ~usages

let sym_algo ?iv () =
  let iv = match iv with
    | Some iv -> iv
    | None ->
      let iv = Tarray.create Tarray.Uint8 16 in
      let () = Crypto.set_random_values Crypto.crypto iv in Tarray.buffer iv in
  Crypto_algo.Aes_cbc_params.v ~iv ()

let sym_encrypt ?iv s key clear =
  Subtle_crypto.encrypt s (sym_algo ?iv ()) key clear

let sym_decrypt ?iv s key cipher =
  Subtle_crypto.decrypt s (sym_algo ?iv ()) key cipher

let encrypt body =
  let subtl = Crypto.subtle Crypto.crypto in
  let* key  = sym_exportable_key subtl in
  (* encrypt *)
  let* cipher = sym_encrypt ~iv subtl key body in
  let  cipher = Tarray.uint8_of_buffer cipher in
  let  cipher = Tarray.to_hex_jstr cipher in
  (* save it into the client-side's form *)
  Form.Data.set data (Jstr.v "paste") cipher ;
  (* POST *)
  let init = Fetch.Request.init
    ~body:(Fetch.Body.of_form_data data) ~method':post () in
  let* res = Fetch.request (Fetch.Request.v ~init:init (Jstr.v "/")) in
  let* res = Fetch.Body.json (Fetch.Response.as_body res) in
  (* Export the key *)
  let* key = Subtle_crypto.export_key subtl Crypto_key.Format.jwk key in
  let[@warning "-8"]
    (`Json_web_key key : [ `Buffer of _ | `Json_web_key of _ ]) = key in
  let* key = Fut.return
    (Base64.encode (Base64.data_of_binary_jstr (Json.encode key))) in
  (* Get the page from the server where we save the encrypted paste *)
  let code = Jv.get res "code" |> Jv.to_jstr in
  (* Generate the URL of the redirection which includes the key *)
  let* path = make_path ~key code in
  let* uri = Fut.return
    (Uri.of_jstr (Jstr.concat
      [ Uri.to_jstr (Window.location G.window); path ])) in
  (* And redirect! *)
  Window.set_location G.window uri ; Fut.ok () 

MirageOS and Js_of_ocaml

The most difficult part is the integration with MirageOS. From a compilation point of view, we have an element/artifact that our unikernel depends on. But this does not happen through our cross-toolchain (Solo5) but with the host compiler and js_of_ocaml (itself available from the host).

We should therefore be able to articulate dune (the build system of MirageOS 4) to explicitly ask to compile our into script.js using our host toolchain (unlike our Solo5 toolchain). In dune's vocabulary, to talk about toolchain, we talk about context.

Fortunately, MirageOS 4 offers two compilation steps, the first of which allows us to generate dune rules that can be described in the Mirage project manifest, the file.

We will first describe how to get our script.js file into the host context using js_of_ocaml. Again, the integration of js_of_ocaml with dune has become much simpler over time which makes the task easy:

 (enabled_if (= %{context_name} "default"))
 (name pasteur_js)
 (modules pasteur_js)
 (libraries rresult fmt brr tyxml)
 (modes js))

Note especially the enabled_if which forces dune to produce our pasteur_js.bc.js only in the host context1.

1: Indeed, compiling an OCaml script in JavaScript via js_of_ocaml with the Solo5 toolchain makes no sense. The Solo5 toolchain wants to correctly link OCaml objects with the Solo5 kernel. For this purpose, the Solo5 toolchain is restrictive: no dynlink, no *.so, no META required by js_of_ocaml to load otherlibs/ which are definitely not provided in anyway by ocaml-solo5.

From the file, we can describe a new "device", which is an element that can be required by our unikernel and from which we can specify a particular dune rule.

let pasteur_js =
  let dune _info =
    [ Dune.stanzaf {dune|(subdir public
  (enabled_if (= %%{context_name} "default"))
  (deps ../js/pasteur_js.bc.js)
  (target pasteur.js)
  (action (copy %%{deps} %%{target}))))|dune} ] in
  impl ~dune "Pasteur_js" job

The rule here says, still in the context of the host, to move our script into the public/ folder which essentially contains all the static files needed for our website (CSS file, JavaScript, etc). This allows us to precompile our pasteur.js file and then integrate it into our unikernel.

A read-only filesystem

Finally, another element that may be interesting in the design of our website is the ability to add a "block-device" which would be a file system containing everything that is available in the public/ folder.

So I made docteur, it's a little program that generates a *.disk file. This file can be added to the unikernel as an external resource. The advantage of docteur is its compression ratio. If you have a lot of static files that look alike, like for example a documentation, docteur offers 2 levels of compression so that 17.5 GB of HTML files can fit in a 250 MB block-device!

I recently added the device to Mirage which makes it very easy to use:

let public = docteur ~extra_deps:[ "public/pasteur.js" ]

let pasteur =
  foreign "Unikernel.Make"
    (... @-> kv_ro @-> job)

let () = register "pasteur"
  [ pasteur $ ... $ public ]

Docteur has the advantage of serializing into a disk file 2 sources:

  1. a simple folder (like our public folder)
  2. a Git repository

The advantage is that these sources can be available locally (like our folder) or from the internet (like a remote Git repository). In the latter case, the mechanism for "cloning" the remote source is more or less the same as a simple git clone.


Finally, with a lot of experimentation, the abstraction proposed by Conduit regarding the server does not seem to be a good design. Indeed, the initialization of a server should not go through a dynamic and opaque mechanism such as Conduit when we finally want to be explicit in what we use (certificate, socket, port, etc.).

Abstraction is however required in order to inject a particular TCP/IP stack and TLS stack. But it seems clear that, in the context of MirageOS, the functor seems to be the right solution to this problem after all.

Paf proposes a functor which allows to create several functions in order to initialize a server according to what the user wishes.

module type S = sig
  type stack and flow and ippadr

  type t

  type dst = ipaddr * int

  val init : port:int -> stack -> t Lwt.t

  val http_service :
    ?config:Httpaf.Config.t ->
    error_handler:(dst -> Httpaf.Server_connection.error_handler) ->
    (flow -> dst -> Httpaf.Server_connection.request_handler) ->
    t Paf.service

  val https_service :
    tls:Tls.Config.server ->
    ?config:Httpaf.Config.t ->
    error_handler:(dst -> Httpaf.Server_connection.error_handler) ->
    (flow -> dst -> Httpaf.Server_connection.request_handler) ->
    t Paf.service

  val alpn_service :
    tls:Tls.Config.server ->
    ?config:Httpaf.Config.t * H2.Config.t ->
      (dst ->
      ?request:Alpn.request ->
      Alpn.server_error ->
      (Alpn.headers -> Alpn.body) ->
      unit) ->
    (dst -> Alpn.reqd -> unit) ->
    t Paf.service

  val serve :
    ?stop:Lwt_switch.t -> 't Paf.service -> 't ->
    [ `Initialized of unit Lwt.t ]

module Make (Time : Mirage_time.S) (Stack : Tcpip.Tcp.S)
  : S with type stack = Stack.t
       and type flow = Stack.flow
       and type ipaddr = Stack.ipaddr

The only abstraction needed is the event loop required by http/af and h2 to handle reads and writes. The latter is also available in a functor in the Paf module and Paf_mirage only ceremonially provides an HTTP server from the given TCP/IP stack and an HTTPS server from the same stack and ocaml-tls. In this ceremony, there is of course the support of h2 which is finally very close in terms of API than http/af.

Multiple iterations

The code of Paf is both very succinct and abstract which may be difficult to understand for a novice runner but the or the tests give a good overview of its use in the context of MirageOS but also outside!

This shows above all that, beyond the implementations that can be found in OCaml of this or that protocol, as far as the MirageOS projects are concerned, a substantial API work (which can take several years) is done and leads the overall development and maintenance of our ecosystem.

In this, I would like to thank CraigFe, Hannes and Lucas for helping me iterate on Paf several times to get closer and closer to the right solution for HTTP servers. It also and above all shows that an API work remains fundamentally collective since it becomes possible only from interactions and uses.


The website is available here: What this article shows is the involvement of people from the MirageOS community and elsewhere who have added their vision directly or indirectly to the project. The development in onion layer of what will allow to produce Pasteur shows the reusability of the knowledge of each one near other software.

It's sharing :) ! MirageOS does not wish to offer a monolithic solution to several problems but a scattered and immense ecosystem which can satisfy everyone in time. As I said in the introduction, Pasteur is an experiment that synthesizes years of work on several domains. And the crucial element to finally build this tiny website is basically a naive interest in doing everything in OCaml with unikernels :p !

Just for fun!